Terminix has been providing pest control in Asheville, NC for 75 years now. During that time, we’ve helped hundreds of homeowners protect their homes and families, and answered plenty of questions along the way.
From first-time homebuyers worried about a bug they’ve spotted to the neighborhood kids curious about a bug they’ve trapped in a mason jar, people trust Terminix to answer all of their Asheville pest control questions.
Asheville Pest Control 101
At Terminix, we pride ourselves in offering Asheville’s best pest control solutions. We make sure our local technicians are professionally trained, super knowledgeable, and experts on pest control.
Now, we want to share some of the insights we’ve garnered over the 75 years we’ve been in business.
In our quest to provide best pest control in Asheville, we’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions we’ve received over the years. If you’re new to the area, thinking about moving, or a born-and-bred local, keep reading to find out the answers to these most commonly asked questions.
When is the start of termite season in Asheville?
Termite season in Asheville typically starts in the late winter or early spring, and lasts through the late fall. Termite colonies and swarmers are most active during the warmer, wetter months of the year.
However, because of the Southeast’s temperate climate, termites can be active and swarm all year long here in Asheville. A strong termite protection plan requires year-round vigilance and management.
Residents of Asheville are most likely to encounter termites during the spring. Warm, sunny days following a rainfall are ideal conditions for termite colonies to launch swarmers, the winged alate adult insect, each capable of starting new colonies of their own.
If you see swarmers, don’t panic. Termites play an important role in the local ecosystem, mulching and breaking down rotting wood, turning it into a natural compost. As long as a termite colony is happily enjoying an old stump or dead tree in your yard, you probably don’t have anything to worry about.
But if you ever see swarmers inside your home, don’t hesitate to call in the pros. Terminix offers free inspections from our local expert technicians, and can help with all your Asheville pest control needs.
What are the most common mice in Asheville?
The two most common mice in Asheville are the deer mouse and house mouse. Asheville is also home to many other rodent species, including Norway and roof rats.
When it comes to potential pests, homeowners typically only have to worry about the house mouse. As their name suggests, they are keen to live in houses near humans, where they have easy access to food, water, warmth and shelter. They are especially common in urban and residential areas, where there are plenty of opportunities for them to sneak in.
Deer mice, on the other hand, are unlikely to live in high-population areas. They’ll typically stay outdoors, seeking shelter in isolated human structures (like cabins or hunting lodges) or those adjacent to large parks and fields.
If you’ve heard chittering in the walls or spied an unwelcome rodent, turn to Terminix for the best pest control in Asheville.
What type of cockroaches live in North Carolina?
The types of cockroaches that live in North Carolina include the German, American, Oriental, and Pennsylvania wood cockroaches. Though they have their own unique characteristics and habitat preferences, each of the four are an unwelcome nuisance and potentially hazardous to your health.
Cockroaches have been known to carry and spread harmful bacteria, including Salmonella, as well as cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. If you’re worried you have cockroaches in your home or think you’ve found evidence of their presence, reach out to Terminix ASAP and request a free inspection.
When do mosquitoes come out in NC?
In North Carolina, mosquito season runs from April to October, during the warmest and most humid months of the year. For these pesky bloodsuckers, the warm and humid conditions are perfect for breeding, and mosquito populations explode during these months every year.
North Carolina also has the dubious distinction of being home to many of the worst mosquito cities in the country, according to research conducted by Terminix.
Fortunately, dealing with mosquitos is our bread and butter at Terminix. We offer protection plans that cover the span of mosquito season, as part of providing the best pest control in Asheville. Local technicians provide customers with monthly, low-impact treatments, inspections, and recommendations for discouraging breeding conditions near your home and in your yard.
Is pest control worth it?
Pest control is definitely worth it. It’s one of the smartest investments you can make for the long-term health and safety of your home and family.
Terminix pest control of Asheville protects home and business owners from all of the most common indoor and outdoor pests in the area. What’s more, our services are backed by the strongest guarantee in the industry: we’ll keep coming back until all the pests are gone.
Plus, Terminix customers get access to the knowledge and expertise of the local Terminix technicians. In addition to treating pests, our local experts can help identify warning signs, recommend proactive steps to discourage pests, and answer any questions you (or your family) may have.
Trust Terminix for Asheville’s Best Pest Control
Whenever you’re looking for advice, seeking a professional opinion, or already ready to take back your home and yard, reach out to our team of local experts. We’re here to help with all of your Asheville pest control needs.