Spiders are some of the most well-known and fascinating creatures on the planet. They can be found in almost every habitat, from deserts to rainforests and they play an important role in the ecosystem.

However, not everyone is fond of these eight-legged arachnids, especially when they encounter them inside their homes. Most spiders are harmless, being nothing but a nuisance while some spiders can be venomous.

But regardless of where you stand on the spider issue, it’s important to know what you can expect. 

That’s why we wanted to introduce you to the six most common spider types in North and South Carolina and provide you with some tips on how to prevent them from invading your home.

The ecosystem in North and South Carolina is full of bug life and that includes spiders. But not all spiders are the same – some are harmless while others can have a more menacing impact. But what are the most-common spiders you can expect to encounter? Let’s find out.

Venomous Spiders in the Carolinas

It’s important to note that technically, all spiders are venomous – though the venom of most spiders isn’t potent enough to have a lasting effect. To know what to look out for, we’ve decided to break down the most common spiders in the Carolinas based on the potency of this venom, with the venomous spiders we discuss being the most venomous.

Black Widow Spider

This is one of the most notorious and venomous spiders in the US. It has a shiny black body with a distinctive red hourglass mark on its abdomen. Black Widow Spiders prefer dark and secluded places like garages, basements, closets and secluded woodpiles. 

When it comes to its bite, be warned. These dangerous spider bites can cause severe pain, muscle spasms and nausea. In rare cases, Black Widow Spider bites can be fatal. If you see a black widow spider, do not attempt to handle it or kill it yourself. Call a professional exterminator immediately and seek medical attention if you’re bitten.

There is also a Brown Widow population growing in the Carolinas. The Brown Widow belongs to the same genus as the black widow spider, but it’s lighter in color and less dangerous. It has a noticeable yellowish  hourglass shape on its belly and a black-and-white pattern on its back. 

Brown Recluse Spider 

The Brown Recluse is another venomous spider that can cause serious health problems, though it’s very rare to find in the Carolinas. In fact, Brown Recluse spiders are often misidentified. 

This type of spider has a brown body with a violin-shaped mark on its head. It’s also known as a fiddleback spider or a violin spider in some areas. 

These spiders like to hide in dry and undisturbed areas like  attics, closets, boxes and even forgotten shoes. Its bite can cause necrosis, which is the death of skin tissue around the wound. This can lead to infections, ulcers and scarring. If you see a brown recluse spider, don’t disturb it or try to catch it. 

A professional exterminator can help you assess the situation – but in case of a bite, make sure to contact a medical professional. 

Non-Venomous Spiders in the Carolinas

Yellow Garden Spider

This is a large and colorful spider that builds orb-shaped webs in gardens, fields and forests. It has a black and yellow striped abdomen and long legs. It’s also known as a black and yellow garden spider, a writing spider, or a zipper spider. 

Yellow Garden Spiders aren’t venomous to humans, but they can bite if provoked or threatened. These bites can cause mild pain, swelling and itching. If you see a yellow garden spider, you can leave it alone or relocate it outside with a container and a piece of paper if you want to spare its life.

Crab Spider

Crab Spiders are small, flat spiders resembling the crustacean they’re named after. This spider has two large front legs that it uses to grab its prey. It can vary in color from white to yellow to green to brown, depending on its surroundings. It’s also known as a flower spider or a Thomisidae spider. 

These spiders don’t build webs, but wait on flowers or leaves for bugs to come by. It’s not venomous to humans, but it can bite if handled or disturbed. Its bite can cause minor pain and redness.

Wolf Spider

Wolf Spiders are hairy, robust spiders that don’t use webs, but use the ground to hunt their prey.

These arachnids have a brown or gray body with dark markings and eight eyes arranged in three rows. It’s also known as a ground spider or a hunting spider, and it’s found in various habitats, including grasslands, woodlands, wetlands and urban areas. 

The Wolf Spider isn’t venomous to humans, but it can bite if cornered or threatened. Its bite can cause moderate pain, swelling and itching.

Cellar Spider

This long-legged and slender spider, known as the Cellar Spider,  hangs upside down from its messy webs in dark and damp places. The Cellar Spider thrives in places like cellars, basements, crawl spaces and bathrooms. 

It has a pale brown or gray body with no distinct markings. It’s also known as a daddy longlegs spider or a pholcid spider. It’s not venomous to humans, but it can bite if handled roughly or accidentally touched. Spider bites from Cellar Spiders can cause slight pain and irritation.

How to Prevent Spiders From Invading Your Home

Spider prevention and removal can be a quick and easy process if you take the right steps.

The best way to control running, climbing and jumping spiders at home is to control their food sources around the house. Spiders eat insects, so reducing the number of other, annoying bugs in your home will usually encourage spiders to go elsewhere.

Some of the steps you can take to prevent spiders from entering your home are:

Keep your home clean and clutter-free. Vacuum regularly, especially under furniture and in corners where spiders may hide. Get rid of trash and food waste promptly and seal them in bags or containers. Avoid leaving piles of clothes, papers, boxes, or other items that can provide shelter for spiders.

Seal any cracks, holes, or gaps in your walls, doors, windows, or foundation that can allow spiders to enter. Use caulk, weather stripping, mesh or screens to block their access in hidden cracks and crevices. 

Keep your plants clear of spiderwebs and prune them regularly. Spiders may use your plants as a bridge to enter your home or build their nests on them. Remove any webs you see and trim any branches or leaves that touch your house. 

How to Identify a Spider in Your Home

Identifying spiders can be a challenge, that’s why you need to take your time and really investigate when trying to identify what kind of spider is crawling across your floorboards.  For instance, the Brown Recluse spider is often misidentified because of its similarities to other spiders in the area.

To identify a spider, you can look at its eight legs, body shape, color, eyes, mouthparts, pedipalps, silk and web. Some spiders have distinctive markings such as spots, dots, hourglass, or spiny features. 

However, even if you can get this spider under a magnifying glass, making the correct identification can prove difficult. That’s why it’s important to call in an expert if you think spiders are making themselves too comfortable in your home.

Terminix Can Solve Your Spider Scare

If you need help removing and controlling spiders in South Carolina and North Carolina. Terminix is the company you can trust. Terminix has been providing pest control services for decades  and has a team of trained technicians who can handle any spider issue. Terminix offers an inspection to assess your spider problem and recommend the best solution for your situation. 

Spiders are common creatures that can be found in North and South Carolina. While some of them are harmless and beneficial, others can be dangerous and annoying. Regardless, knowing what you’re up against is key in preventing it from wreaking havoc.

The next time you see an eight-legged creature crawling across your dining room, follow our helpful tips to identify it and implement the steps we outlined to keep them from becoming a continued problem.

Now let’s get exploring.

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